Top 5 This Week

Setting the Stage for a Pea-themed Disruption in Plant-based Market

GreenVenus™, a leading agriculture technology firm providing genomics-based innovation across healthy, nutrient-rich specialty vegetables, fruits, and grains, has officially signed off on a partnership with Plant Research (NZ) Ltd to develop climate-oriented field pea varieties. According to certain reports, these field pea varieties, alongside offering you the means to enhance climate resilience for global cultivation, will also help you access the prospect of avoiding undesirable attributes such as beany smells and indigestibility. Designed for human and pet consumption, the stated product comes on the back of a rising demand for pea protein. You see, although 60% of the plant protein market is currently dominated by soybean alone, more and more people are now turning towards pea. This is largely because of their superior amino acid compositions, bioactive peptides, fiber profile, and allergen-free nature, when pitted against other plant protein sources. Nevertheless, having covered the positives in play, we must also acknowledge how field pea varieties have, so far, struggled to achieve adaptability to changing climatic conditions, something which has kept the commodity from fully realizing its commercial potential. Now, to resolve this downside, leaders across the board have brought several modern cultivars that tolerate common diseases, but if you look back, they all turned out to be insufficient in controlling high disease and extreme climatic pressures during unfavorable years. Enter the GreenVenus’s cutting-edge Primavera™ gene editing technology and gene discovery tool, a combination that will work with state-of-the-art machine learning approaches to accelerate creation of next-generation cultivars. These cultivars, assuming they follow the intended script, should go a long distance to help field pea varieties weather climate fluctuations, and at the same time, showcase sought-after traits that compliment industry’s requirements for clean, taste-neutral proteins,

As for what makes Plant Research (NZ) an ideal partner for such an effort, the answer resides in its ability to fine-tune the way plant breeding is done. The organization’s excellence around that value proposition can be notably understood once you consider it has already commercialized new varieties in 7 arable species throughout the world. It has also released successful field pea varieties across North America, Australia, New Zealand and South America. For instance, in Pacific Northwest region of the USA, Plant Research partnered with Progene LLC to conceive field pea genetics that particularly dominates the given region.

“Plant Research (NZ) Ltd brings competitive elite pea lines and breeding expertise to GreenVenus’s research. This collaboration is primed to expedite the development of groundbreaking, high-yield varieties, consequently enhancing grower profitability and offering superior protein options for consumers and the animal feed sectors,” said Adrian Russell, CEO of Plant Research (NZ) Ltd.

Moving on to GreenVenus, it makes its case through a knowhow of providing superior fruits, vegetables, and grains with improved nutrition, better taste, and reduced food wastage. This it does through a proprietary Botticelli™ plant cell technology, PrimaVera™ Gene-Editing Tool, and transformative breeding innovations that enable unprecedented speed when the agenda is product development. Not just speed; all these innovations also carry the potential to help users meet the evolving needs of their respective customers and industry.